Feel like a model for a day
This is a luxury portrait experience, individually tailored to you. The whole aim is to make you feel incredible, both on the day of the shoot, and for years to come with beautiful, classic images. I have a very laid back approach, and my aim is to make you feel as relaxed as possible. All pressure will be taken off you as I gently guide you into the most flattering poses. Following the shoot, you will have a reveal session where you have the opportunity to select the best package for you, including Folio boxes, albums, and wall art. Photos are made to be printed, not just stored in digital format, and I will help you through this process of finding the best package for you and your needs.
My approach
Fill out the form
To find out more complete the short form on the website, and I will get back to you within 24 hours, often sooner.
The Consult
I will contact you at a time convenient for you where we can plan your studio experience. I will take this time to try to get to know you, to find out what you like, what you want, and how I can make you feel comfortable. I will advise you on styling, and answer any questions you may have. We will go through any other preparation and planning for the day. This can be done via phone or video.
The Studio Shoot
The big day! You will come in to the studio first thing, and from the moment you step in the door expect to be treated like royalty! You will have a chance to settle in, have you make up done, discuss our outfit line up and then get shooting! I will gently pose you in the most flattering poses, and make you feel like you are on the front of a magazine. Most women want to do this part all over again!
The Reveal
At a date convenient to you within the next 1-2 weeks you will be invited to a reveal session. You will be able to view all of your images, and from there choose the package that is right for you. Photos are made to be printed, and I will help you to find what types of products are best for you. For example, some people love wall art and like having photos up on walls, whereas other prefer the Folio box to store their beautiful images. You can see examples of these luxury photo products on the day of the studio shoot, so you will have seen what options there are.